10 Ways to Increase Email Signup

If your sign-up form has seen better days, you’re in the right place. We have a great guide that will show you the 10 steps you need to take in order to increase your email sign-ups.

We’re focusing on:

  • Offering an incentive
  • Making your email sign-ups prominent
  • Providing social proof
  • Using pop-ups
  • Making it simple for email subscribers to engage
  • Personalizing the experience
  • Using a double opt-in form
  • Segmenting your audience
  • Testing and optimizing
  • Social media promotion

Offer an incentive

Provide a discount, free trial, or another reward to encourage signups.

The best incentive to offer depends on your target audience and the nature of your business. Here are some popular incentives:

Free trial

Offer a free trial of a product or service to entice signups. It’s an extremely popular incentive that lets your email subscribers fall in love with your service so that they keep using it.


Provide a discount code or coupon to incentivize signups. That way, new subscribers will be more likely to become new clients.

Exclusive content

Offer exclusive content, such as eBooks, webinars, or early access to new products.

Entry into a contest

Run a contest and require email signup to enter.

Personalized recommendations

Offer personalized recommendations based on the subscriber’s interests or preferences. Make sure you’re listening to your audience base and keeping them in mind when making these decisions.

Remember, the key is to choose an incentive that is relevant and valuable to your target audience.

Make it prominent

Place the signup form in a visible location on your website or blog.

The sign-up page should have only one CTA. Don’t overcrowd it with too much content. It should be clear for your website visitors how they can sign up for your newsletter and what they can expect from it.

Provide social proof

Show social proof such as testimonials or the number of subscribers you have.

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people tend to conform to the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behaviour. Here are some ways to utilize social proof to increase email signups:

  1. Display subscriber count. Show the number of subscribers you have to demonstrate the popularity of your email list.
  2. Use testimonials. Display testimonials from satisfied customers to build trust and credibility.
  3. Show social media followers. Display the number of followers you have on social media platforms to demonstrate your popularity.
  4. Display trust badges. Trust badges, such as SSL certificates or trusted payment gateways, help you build trust and credibility.
  5. Show media mentions. Display logos of media outlets that have featured you to demonstrate authority and credibility.
  6. Highlight influencer endorsements. Highlight endorsements from influencers or thought leaders in your industry to demonstrate the quality of your brand.

Remember, the goal is to use social proof to build trust and credibility with potential subscribers and encourage them to sign up for your email list.

Use pop-ups

Use timed pop-ups or exit-intent pop-ups to prompt visitors to sign up.

Pop-ups are a type of website overlay that can be used to capture email addresses or promote a specific action. Here are some best practices for using pop-ups to increase email signups:

  1. Timing
    Use timed pop-ups to display after a certain amount of time on the page, or exit-intent pop-ups to display when a visitor is about to leave the page.
  2. Content
    Keep the content of the pop-up simple and to the point. Focus on a clear value proposition and a strong call to action.
  3. Design
    Use a clean and professional design that matches the overall look and feel of your website.
  4. Frequency
    Limit the frequency of pop-ups to prevent annoying visitors and negatively affecting the user experience.
  5. A/B testing
    Regularly test different variations of your pop-up to determine which performs best in terms of conversion rate.
  6. Mobile optimization
    Make sure your pop-ups are optimized for mobile devices to provide a consistent experience across all devices.
  7. Exit pop-ups
    Use exit pop-ups to capture email addresses when a visitor is about to leave your site, offering a last chance to sign up.

Remember, the goal is to use pop-ups as a tool to encourage email signups while also providing a positive user experience.

Make it simple

Keep the form short and to the point, asking only for essential information. Don’t overcrowd your sign-up form with questions about the company the people work in.

The more information you ask for, the less likely will people be to sign-up for your newsletter. if you want more subscribers, simplify your sign-up form.

Personalize the experience

Use the visitor’s name and other personal information to create a more personalized experience.

Personalizing the experience can help build a strong connection with your audience and increase email signups. Here are some ways to personalize the experience.

Address the visitor by name in the signup form, email content, and follow-up communications.

Offer different signup forms or incentives based on visitor characteristics, such as location or interests.

Use the subscriber’s name in the subject line of emails to increase open rates.

Use subscriber data to personalize the content of your emails, such as offering recommendations based on previous purchases.

Use dynamic content to display different content based on the subscriber’s interests or behaviour.

Offer customized incentives: Offer customized incentives based on subscriber data, such as a discount code for their favourite product.

Remember, the goal is to provide a personalized experience that makes the subscriber feel valued and appreciated, increasing the likelihood of them staying subscribed to your email list.

Use a double opt-in

A double opt-in is a process in email marketing where a subscriber must confirm their subscription by responding to a confirmation email. Here’s how to use a double opt-in process:

  1. Offer signup
    Provide a signup form on your website or through a landing page where visitors can enter their email addresses to subscribe.
  2. Send confirmation email
    After a visitor submits their email, send a confirmation email that includes a unique link for the subscriber to confirm their subscription.
  3. Confirm subscription
    Once the subscriber clicks the unique link, their subscription is confirmed and they are added to your email list.
  4. Send a welcome email
    After a subscriber confirms their subscription, send a welcome email to thank them for joining your email list.
  5. Start emailing
    Begin sending targeted and personalized emails to the subscriber based on their interests and behaviour.

Double opt-in helps ensure that subscribers have voluntarily subscribed to your email list, reducing the likelihood of spam complaints and improving the quality of your email list.

Additionally, a double opt-in process can also increase the engagement and relevance of your emails, as it helps establish a more engaged and interested subscriber base.

Segment your audience

Segmenting your audience is the process of dividing your email list into smaller groups based on specific characteristics or behaviours. Here’s why it’s important to segment your audience.

Increases relevance

By segmenting your audience, you can send targeted and relevant content to each group, improving engagement and reducing the likelihood of unsubscribes.

Improves deliverability

By sending targeted emails, you increase the chances of your emails landing in the inbox and avoiding spam filters.

Increases ROI

By sending targeted emails, you can increase conversion rates and the overall return on investment from your email marketing efforts.

Helps with personalization

Segmenting your audience can help you personalize the experience for each subscriber, which can increase loyalty and engagement.

Improves testing and optimization

By dividing your audience into smaller groups, you can easily test and optimize different aspects of your email campaigns, such as subject lines and content.

In summary, segmenting your audience is important because it allows you to send more relevant and targeted emails, which leads to improved engagement, deliverability, and ROI from your email marketing efforts.

Test and optimize

Regularly test and optimize different elements of the signup process to improve conversion rates.

Optimizing your email marketing efforts involves making changes to improve the effectiveness and results of your campaigns. Here are some ways to optimize your email marketing:

  1. A/B testing
    Test different variations of your email campaigns, such as subject lines, content, and design, to determine which elements drive the best results.
  2. Segmentation
    Segment your audience based on specific characteristics or behaviours, such as location or purchase history, to send targeted and relevant content.
  3. Personalization
    Use subscriber data to personalize the content and subject line of your emails, improving relevance and engagement.
  4. Mobile optimization
    Optimize your emails for mobile devices to ensure they look great and are easy to interact with on smaller screens.
  5. Engagement metrics
    Track engagement metrics, such as open rates and click-through rates, to measure the success of your campaigns and identify areas for improvement.
  6. Deliverability
    Monitor your email deliverability and take steps to improve it, such as maintaining a clean email list and avoiding spam triggers.
  7. Timing
    Test the optimal send time for your audience to determine the best time to send your emails for maximum engagement and results.

By regularly testing and optimizing your email campaigns, you can continually improve the effectiveness and results of your email marketing efforts.

Promote through social media

Social media promotion is a powerful tool to increase email signups and build your email list. Here are some ways to use social media promotion to drive email signups:

  1. Include email signup forms on your social media profiles and link to them in your posts and bio.
  2. Offer incentives, such as exclusive content or discounts, for subscribing to your email list through social media.
  3. Share a preview of your email content on social media to drive interest and encourage signups.
  4. Run contests and giveaways exclusive to your email subscribers to increase signups.
  5. Share social proof, such as testimonials or case studies, to show the value of subscribing to your email list.
  6. Collaborate with influencers in your industry to reach a wider audience and drive signups.
  7. Use social media ads to reach a targeted audience and drive signups to your email list.

By incorporating social media promotion into your email marketing strategy, you can reach a wider audience and drive more signups to your email list.


Increasing email sign-up can easily be done with our simple guide. Make sure that you’re offering great value in your newsletters and engaging your subscribers with high-quality content.

How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency in 2023

Digital marketing has been on a steady rise, which means that there is a lot of need for new digital marketing agencies. We’ve created a list of things you need to take care of before you start working with clients.

In this article, we’ll share how to:

  • Define your niche and target market
  • Create a business plan and secure funding
  • Build a team or a network of freelancers
  • Develop a strong brand and an engaging website
  • Network and market your services to potential clients

Define your niche and target market

Defining your niche and target market is important because it:

  1. Helps focus your marketing efforts
  2. Enables you to tailor your offerings to meet specific needs
  3. Increases your chances of attracting and retaining customers
  4. Leads to greater profitability and brand recognition
  5. Helps you stand out from competitors by filling a unique gap in the market.

This will require a bit of research. We recommend you use a SWOT analysis. That way, you’ll have a great overview of your place in the market.

Create a business plan and secure funding

In order for your business to be profitable, you need to have a detailed business plan.

Here’s a general outline of creating a business plan:

  1. Conduct market research to validate your business idea and determine the viability of your market
  2. Define your business goals and objectives
  3. Develop a clear description of your products or services
  4. Outline your target market and competition
  5. Create a sales and marketing strategy
  6. Develop a financial plan including projections for income and expenses
  7. Create an executive summary highlighting key points of your plan
  8. Seek advice from experienced entrepreneurs, investors or business advisors
  9. Network and pitch your business plan to potential investors or lenders
  10. Be prepared to negotiate and offer equity or debt financing options.

Build a team or network of freelancers

In order to run a marketing agency, and attract potential clients, you need to build a team. You need marketers, project managers, SEO specialists, developers and more. Some of the roles can be filled up by outsourcing.

Building a team or a network of influencers is important since it:

  1. Increases resources, expertise, and diversity of ideas
  2. Enables delegation of tasks and sharing of the workload
  3. Enhances credibility and reach through partnerships and endorsements
  4. Supports scaling and growth of the business
  5. Provides access to new customers, markets, and opportunities
  6. Helps in decision-making through varying perspectives and input.

But how do you build a team? Here are some tips.

Define job roles and responsibilities

If you don’t have a clear idea of every role, you’ll have a lot of trouble filling it. Make sure you understand how every person will fit into your digital marketing agency, what projects will they be working on, what type of marketing skills they need to have and more.

Create job descriptions and set clear expectations

Your job postings have to be clear. Also, try to keep them short. Start by presenting the benefits of working in your marketing agency, then go into the role and responsibility and at the end, write a bit about your company.

Use various recruitment methods to find the right fit

If posting a job listing on your social media and local job posting places isn’t enough, you should reach out to recruitment sites.

They can help you better shape your offer and find the top freelancers for any project.

Conduct interviews

Once you have a good pool of candidates, it’s time to interview them to find the right ones.

Prepare for your interviews by creating a list of questions. Not only should your candidates be skilful, but also they should be a good cultural fit for your digital marketing agency.

Provide clear communication, training, and support for team members

Once the onboarding starts, you should provide your new hires with as much training and communication as you can. The better you prepare them for the new role and future clients, the better they will perform.

Regularly evaluate and provide feedback on performance

The only way your employees can grow is with your input and feedback. Your own marketing agency should be filled with people you can rely on. Make sure your feedback is productive and doesn’t leave your team feeling unmotivated.

Develop a strong brand and website

In order to set yourself apart from your competitors, you need to build a strong brand identity. Building a strong brand is essential, since it:

  1. Helps establish a unique identity and differentiation from competitors
  2. Increases customer recognition and loyalty
  3. Establishes trust and credibility with customers
  4. Supports customer acquisition through marketing and advertising efforts
  5. Can command a higher price for products or services
  6. Supports business growth and expansion into new markets
  7. Provides a consistent image and messaging across all touchpoints.

Network and market your services to potential clients

Once everything in-house is set, start working on attracting clients. Your digital marketing business should have multiple clients who help you grow your company.

Find new clients in networking events, through social media, from recommendations and more.

Our tip is to look for clients that work in similar industries so that you can do cross-promotion and help them grow together.

Key takeaways

How to start a digital marketing agency in 2023? By following our easy guide, of course.

Use our blog to start your new digital marketing business and win over new clients in no time.

Social Media Marketing Guide for Beginners in 2023

If you’re a beginner in the social media sphere, this must be an exciting time for you. You get to step into a new field and create engaging content that will help you raise brand awareness and increase sales.

Having a social media marketing strategy is the best way to go about your social media efforts. You need to know exactly how you’ll find your target audience, create social media posts so that you reach a specific goal and use social media analytics along the way.

Here’s how to do it in 8 easy steps.

Define your target audience

Before you create a social media marketing strategy, you need to determine who you want to reach and what their interests are.

Defining your target audience is important because it allows you to create content and campaigns that are relevant and appealing to the people you want to reach. When you know who your target audience is, you can tailor your messaging, tone, and marketing efforts to their specific needs, interests, and behaviours.

This leads to higher engagement, a stronger connection with your audience, and ultimately, better results for your business. That way your social media marketing campaign has a better chance of providing great results.

Choose the right social media platforms

Based on your audience, select the social media platforms that they use the most.

Choosing the right platforms is important because different social media sites have different user demographics and functions. By selecting platforms where your target audience is active, you can effectively reach and engage with them.

To choose the right platforms, consider the following steps:

  1. Research your target audience: Look at demographic information, such as age, location, and interests, to determine which platforms they use the most.
  2. Evaluate each platform: Consider the type of content and interaction each platform is best suited for, such as visual content on Instagram or short videos on TikTok.
  3. Test and measure: Start with one or two platforms, test your content and engagement, and adjust your strategy based on the results.

By carefully selecting and targeting the right social media platforms, you can optimize your efforts and maximize your return on investment.

The more information you have, the better your social media marketing strategy will be.

Create a content strategy

Plan what type of content you will post, how often, and what the main message will be.

A content strategy is a plan for the creation, publication, and management of content—often for digital media. To build a good content strategy, consider the following steps:

  1. Identify your goals.
    Determine what you hope to achieve with your content, such as increasing brand awareness or driving sales.
  2. Know your audience.
    Consider who your target audience is and what type of content they are interested in.
  3. Determine the type of content.
    Decide on the formats you will use, such as text, images, videos, or live streams.
  4. Plan the frequency and distribution.
    Determine how often you will post and on which platforms.
  5. Create a content calendar.
    Organize your content and plan ahead for seasonal or event-related posts.
  6. Measure and adjust.
    Use analytics to track the success of your content and make necessary adjustments to your strategy.

Having a well-planned content strategy helps you consistently deliver valuable and relevant content to your audience, build brand awareness, and achieve your business goals.

Establish a brand identity

Consistently use the same logo, colour scheme, and tone of voice across all your social media channels.

Establishing a brand identity is the process of creating a consistent image and perception of your brand in the minds of your audience. To establish a brand identity, consider the following steps:

  1. Define your brand values and personality. What are the core values that drive your brand, and what tone of voice best represents it?
  2. Create a visual identity. Design a logo, choose colours and typography that represent your brand, and develop a consistent look and feel for your website and social media.
  3. Consistency is key. Ensure all your marketing materials, including your website, social media profiles, and ads, reflect your brand identity.
  4. Develop brand guidelines. Document your brand identity and create a set of guidelines to ensure consistency across all touchpoints.
  5. Reinforce your identity. Regularly communicate and reinforce your brand values and personality through your content and interactions with customers.

Having a strong brand identity helps you stand out from competitors, build trust with your audience, and establish a consistent image for your brand.

Engage with your followers

Respond to comments and messages, like and share posts from other accounts, and participate in online communities related to your niche.

Make sure you’re prompt in your responses. Don’t leave your audience waiting for a long time.

Use paid advertising

Consider boosting posts or running ads on social media to reach a larger audience.

Paid advertising on social media platforms can be an effective way to reach a larger audience and achieve amazing results. To use paid advertising effectively, consider the following steps:

  1. Set clear goals. Determine what you want to achieve with your advertising campaign, such as increasing brand awareness or driving sales.
  2. Target your audience. Use the targeting options available on the platform to reach your desired audience, such as demographics, interests, or behaviours.
  3. Create compelling ad content. Use high-quality images or videos, clear messaging, and a strong call to action to make your ad appealing and effective.
  4. Test and optimize. Try different ad formats and targeting options, and use data and analytics to measure results and make adjustments as needed.
  5. Set a budget. Decide how much you are willing to spend on advertising and allocate your budget accordingly.
  6. Monitor and adjust. Continuously monitor your advertising performance, track your results, and make changes as needed to achieve your desired outcome.

By following these steps, you can use paid advertising to reach a larger audience, drive more traffic and conversions, and achieve amazing results for your business.

Analyze your results

Use analytics tools to track your progress and make data-driven decisions for future campaigns.

Analyzing your results is important because it allows you to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and make informed decisions to improve them. By analyzing your results, you can:

Evaluate performance

Determine what is working well and what needs improvement in your marketing campaigns.

Make data-driven decisions

Use data and analytics to inform your marketing strategy and make decisions that are based on evidence.

Optimize your efforts

Identify areas where you can improve and make changes to your strategy to maximize your return on investment.

Demonstrate results to stakeholders

Show the impact of your marketing efforts and justify your budget and resources.

Learn and grow

Use insights from your analysis to continuously improve your marketing and adapt to changes in the market.

Analyzing your results is crucial for effective social media marketing, as it helps you make informed decisions, optimize your efforts, and achieve better results over time.

Stay up-to-date

Keep informed of the latest social media trends and changes to the algorithms of each platform to maximize your success.

Staying up to date is important for several reasons:

Stay competitive

Social media platforms and marketing trends are constantly evolving, and staying up to date helps you stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge.

Keep pace with technology

New technologies are continually emerging that can impact your marketing efforts, and staying up to date helps you take advantage of new opportunities.

Adapt to changes

Social media algorithms and audience behaviour change frequently, and staying up to date helps you adapt to these changes and ensure your marketing efforts remain effective.

Avoid mistakes

Staying up to date on best practices and avoiding outdated tactics helps you avoid mistakes and ensure your marketing efforts are compliant with platform policies.

Improve results

Staying up to date on new techniques and tactics can help you improve your marketing results and achieve better outcomes.

Staying up to date is crucial for success in social media marketing, as it helps you stay competitive, adapt to changes, and continuously improve your efforts.


Creating a social media marketing strategy is a great way to get started with social media in the right way. Our blog can help you out with that.

Make sure that you’re constantly learning, optimizing your social media marketing strategy and talking to other social media managers.

Develop a Content Strategy in 5 Steps

Developing an effective content strategy can help you streamline your marketing efforts. In order to see results, you’ll need to do some research and constantly analyze and optimize your content strategy.

In this article, we’ll explain how to:

  1. Define your target audience
  2. Set goals
  3. Conduct a content audit
  4. Create a content calendar
  5. Measure and optimize

Define your target audience

Before you can create your content strategy, you need to know who you’ll be addressing. Identify your target audience and create buyer personas to understand their needs, interests, and pain points.

Once you do that, you can personalize your content, be it blogs, videos, infographics or more. This is how to do it.


Gather information about your audience’s age, gender, income, education, and location. This is the base of your buyer persona. The majority of this information can be gathered from Google Analytics, social media analytics and from your customer support team.

If you want to create content, you need to know how to shape it to be engaging for your specific target audience.


Understand your audience’s interests, values, lifestyle, and personality traits.

This step will help you understand which topics to focus on in your content strategy. Do your consumers want to understand how to use your products and services or are they interested in your brand values?

Behavioural data

Analyze the behaviour of your current customers, such as how they interact with your brand and what they buy.

This information will help you understand how to create content for repeat customers, new customers and potential ones. You also need to know how to create a content strategy for every part of the sales funnel.

Surveys and focus groups

Ask your current customers for their input and feedback on your products or services. That’s the best way to create a successful content strategy.

Make sure your surveys are short. If you simply can not do that, then provide your customers with some type of reward if they complete the survey. Usually, the reward is a discount, a free sample or else.

Competitor research

Look at your competitors’ audience to understand the common characteristics of your industry’s target market.

You should know exactly why someone should choose you over your competitors. Maybe you’re the cheapest option, the option with the highest quality, the most sustainable option, etc.

Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, you can create buyer personas to represent different segments of your audience and tailor your content to their specific needs and interests.

Set goals

Determine what you want to achieve with your content, such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or generating leads.

Make sure your content strategy goals are specific. They should be specific, so you know exactly what you’re trying to achieve. For example, “increase website traffic by 20% in the next quarter” is more specific than “improve website traffic.”

Also, your goals should be measurable. Your goals should be quantifiable so you can track progress and measure success. For example, “generate 100 new leads per month” is more measurable than “increase lead generation.”

Your goals also need to be achievable. Make them realistic and achievable, given the resources and time you have available.

The content marketing strategy needs to have relevant goals. They should be relevant to your business objectives and align with your audience’s needs and interests.

Lastly, make them time-bound. Your goals should have a specific timeframe for achieving them, such as “increase email newsletter subscribers by 50% in the next 6 months.”

When setting your content goals, it is important to keep in mind that they will evolve over time. Continuously monitoring, measuring, and adjusting your goals as needed is important to make sure that your content strategy stays aligned with your overall business objectives.

Conduct a content audit

Review your existing content to identify gaps, opportunities for improvement, and what’s working well.

Gather all of your existing content

This includes website pages, blog posts, social media posts, email campaigns, and any other content you have created. Make sure you have Google Analytics data on every piece of content. Focus on the number of clicks, the session duration and the bounce rate.

Categorize your content

Once you have your content, organize it into categories, such as topic, format, and channel. This will help you see patterns and identify areas where you may need more or less content.

If you see that leads back out on the last step of the sales cycle, make sure you’re creating more content for those specific situations.

Evaluate the quality of your content

Assess the quality of your content based on factors such as accuracy, relevance, and engagement. Identify which pieces of content are performing well and which need improvement.

Identify gaps and opportunities

Look for areas where you may be missing out on opportunities to reach your target audience or where there are gaps in your content.

Make a plan for improvement

Based on your findings, make a plan for how to improve your content, including what types of content to create, how to optimize existing content, and which content to retire or update.

It’s important to conduct a content audit on a regular basis to keep track of your content’s performance and make adjustments as needed to ensure that your content strategy is aligned with your overall business objectives.

Create a content calendar

Plan out your content in advance, including topics, formats, and channels for distribution.

Since at this point you already know your target audience and what results you’re trying to achieve with your content marketing strategy, you should be able to create a detailed content strategy that explains how you’ll engage your audience.

Content creation shouldn’t be left to chance, so make sure you plan everything out before you start writing your blogs and filming your videos.

Measure and optimize

Optimizing your content strategy is an ongoing process that involves regularly reviewing and adjusting your content based on your goals, audience, and performance metrics.

Try different formats, topics, and calls to action to see which ones perform best. A/B testing can help you determine which headlines, images or CTAs are most effective.

Also, make sure you’re optimizing your content for search engines by using relevant keywords, meta tags, and alt tags. It will help your content to be easily discoverable by your potential audience.

By regularly optimizing your content strategy, you’ll be able to create more effective and engaging content that helps you achieve your business goals and connect with your target audience.

Key takeaways

Content marketing strategy is a must for any company looking to grow its business.

Use our guide to create useful content that is optimized for search engines and provides value to your customer pool.